
Recently as I have struggled through my own personal hell (I don't use that term lightly, the burning in my stomach seems not unlike the eternal burning that awaits the devil's angels.) I have been consumed with thoughts of gratitude for all the people who have reached out to help me and my family.

There are angels among us. I'm sure you've heard that before, but I'd just like to point out a few I have identified lately. 

Most especially my husband who has sacrificed so much time and energy... He is willing to go through this trial because of his love for me and our children. He has taken over responsibilities, like a single parent with a spouse who watches from the couch. He has pushed through his depression, done the cooking, the shopping, some cleaning, some changing diapers, some feeding the kids, and goes to work to bring home the cash that barely survives one month. And he stays.

My mother, upon hearing about the struggles we were facing with my son showing autistic tendencies, spend almost half of her tax return on audio cds developed by NASA engineers. It's a bit more complex, but basically, they play sound frequencies that create connections in the brain. We have been playing these in the boys room as they sleep and we have seen some good progress in both of the boys.

My mother in-law, upon hearing about the struggles we were facing with my son showing autistic tendencies, offered to help with any educational tools that we might come across that we felt would really help and get used. Jonathan LOVES the V-TECK e-reader we purchase a year ago and the new cartridges are exciting to him. He will spend hours following along with the stories or playing the games.

My visiting teachers... Because we don't own a car and while pregnant I cannot walk very far with out excruciating pain and fainting, they have given me rides to doctor's appointment or provided emergency transportation to the store for medicine.

Nate's single high-school buddy, who will take Nate to get groceries, will come over and keep Nate company and help with the cooking that I can't do right now. This is SO meaningful to Nate and says so much about this guy, who could just say there are other, more fun, things to do with his time...

Extended family members who unexpectedly stepped in to help us pay some bills in order to avoid a bankruptcy we had been perfectly willing to face on our own. 

Our hearts are overwhelmed at the love and grace of these people and others. We LONG to return or pass on such kindness to the many around us who struggle, we have new compassion.

Thank you! For your love, support, listening, and most especially for your prayers. You are amazing and we pray the Lord will bless you for all that you are, and one day that we might return the favor that has been shown to us.

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