The other day I was working on putting some laundry away when I heard a strange clacking noise and sinced we live at the end of a not so busy street I was interested to find the sorce of the noise.
So I went outside to find that there were two turtles fighting, I think they were trying to establish territory. I didn't have the camera that day, Nate had taken it with him. A few weeks later though I think this guy featured here turned out to be the winner. The shell was probably about 2ft in diameter

Chinese Christmas Outfit

This is Jonathan in a Chinese outfit sent by his Nini (that's grandmother in Chinese) on his 1st Christmas! The shirt wouldn't stay buttoned so he got to spend the day bare chested.

We shared the holidays with my grandfather's family on Christmas Eve where Jonathan got to open his first Christmas present, a cool truck that made noise when squeezed.

And we stayed with our friends, the Littlejohns, to celebrate Christmas morning.