Birthday Makeover

I'm not a big wearer of make up. My mom always said if you do wear makeup it shouldn't make you look fake. It should highlight what you've already got.

A friend of our helped me with a few other tips as I was preparing to go make an impression, meeting some new people. As it turned out, it wasn't really needed to make the impression I wanted, but it did get my hubby's attention :)


Nate and I have been budgeting together since we were first married, talking about the budget every time some new expense comes up and trying to plan accordingly. This hasn't always been easy, there have been many things that we have had to decide were not enough of a priority to keep paying for on Nate's limited income when I have been unable to work.

For my birthday we had planned to go out with the family to Golden Corral. It's my favorite because just about anyone can find something in the buffet to be in the mood for. As we were preparing to leave Jonathan, who is 4 years old came up to me. You have to know in advance that this kid loves to jabber and we hardly understand half of what he says. He's really good at parroting back a few words at a time, maybe a short sentence, but we ever recognize what he tries to say out of the blue. So imagine my surprise when he walks up to me and says:

"Mom, I'm going over my budget tomorrow."

I had to laugh. I though of it as in over-budget, spending more than he has. I thought, Wow, well at least you know the word budget but now we need to work on staying inside the budget.
As I shared it throughout the day with friends and family they picked up a different understanding, that he needed to go over making a budget. Either way, he's learning some of the right things early :)