The other day I was working on putting some laundry away when I heard a strange clacking noise and sinced we live at the end of a not so busy street I was interested to find the sorce of the noise.
So I went outside to find that there were two turtles fighting, I think they were trying to establish territory. I didn't have the camera that day, Nate had taken it with him. A few weeks later though I think this guy featured here turned out to be the winner. The shell was probably about 2ft in diameter

Chinese Christmas Outfit

This is Jonathan in a Chinese outfit sent by his Nini (that's grandmother in Chinese) on his 1st Christmas! The shirt wouldn't stay buttoned so he got to spend the day bare chested.

We shared the holidays with my grandfather's family on Christmas Eve where Jonathan got to open his first Christmas present, a cool truck that made noise when squeezed.

And we stayed with our friends, the Littlejohns, to celebrate Christmas morning.

Sleeping Angel

Jonathan, learning to sit up at 2 months old.
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Camping in Sarasota

I was 8 months pregnant and we decided to go camping with my sister's family and some of her friends. Nate and I slept in the car and kept it running all night in order to stay cool but it was fun. While we were all sitting around eating at some point these baby hogs showed up and sniffed around for a bit. They weren't really that cute to me as I thought baby hogs would be... We never saw the mom come around, thank goodness, before the babies wandered off on their own.

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The commuting writer

For a while when Nate was driving an hour to work and an hour home he would record himself while driving and later edit his stories to text to better use that time.

My husband, the writer!

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Nap time

This is my favorite photo to remember my time in the in-home day care we ran for 10 months. The baby was teething and wouldn't let me put him down to nap. While there were some frustrating moment I loved loved little Dominick. The kitten, named "Page" because he was all white, was very persistent when he decided he wanted to be pet. The picture below is our other cat, named Ink because she was all black and very beautiful before she got fat and lazy.

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Welcome to our laundry room!

Ok, so for while we didn't have our own internet but we discovered that we could "barrow" the neighbors connection by taking the lap top up on top of the laundry machines... that was after it quit working by the downstairs window and before we discovered we could take the laptop to the library and use their wireless internet...
Fun picture anyway ;)

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What a day!

Here I am, I don't exactly remember how pregnant, I think it was about 4-5 months, spending the day @ Disney! This particular photo was taken by the tower of terror.

We went to Animal Kingdom where they have the AMAZING "tree of life"

And we went to EPCOT all in one day!

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Baby cakes

This darling cake was made by my friend Melissa Fredricks just before we were both due to have our babies. It was very sweet of her!
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Happy Anniversary!

These photos were taken the night of our 2nd wedding annversary. This night we went out to see the Arabians Knights dinner show in Orlando Florida.

Usually I don't like having my photo taken since I don't feel I'm very photogenic. I don't think I'm a terribly unattractive person, just that the camera doesn't often capture my personality... Ocasionally though there is a photo that I like and this is one of those.


My handsome hubby is so wonderful to me.

I am not a big fan of cooking in the kitchen a lot, and neither is Nate for that matter but he tends to do a lot of the heating of various foods more than I do. Thanks honey!

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Isabella Adams

At the same time that I began running our in home day care Nate worked for a company called Woodside USA, whose design label is usually called Isabella Adams. His boss was Teresa Woodside, the key designer and founder of the company. These are some of the things Nate helped to glue together.

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Dress up

One morning while I was cleaning up the toys for our in home day care I was in a silly mood and put a few of the things on. Thankfully you can't see my pregnant belly in this picture. Nate thought it was very amusing and decided to take my picture.