Big, Beautiful AND Modest!

Lane Bryant is a company I admire
for a fair selection of clothing that is modest,
for the big, beautiful among us 
There has been a bit of controversy lately over recent statements from certain company CEO's regarding their personal view points and the kind of people they want to market to...

I have some general feelings regarding fashion and marketing... If this company wants to limit their market by only selling certain sizes, what do I care? It doesn't hurt me personally, there are plenty of other places to shop. If I were to hold someone in high regard just because they own a large company, there would be way to many CEOs to waste my time on... There are many places I won't shop just because the clothes are overpriced and only cover half the body anyway...

The other thing that strikes me about this controversy is that we hear so much from the media, some who are out to make a difference, fighting the "war on obesity", and at the same time the argument holds some ground that "skinny does NOT mean healthy"...

So what DO you look for when shopping for the latest garment?
Torrid is another company,
geared toward a slightly younger generation,
with a flare for the fuller body type
Besides wether or not the clothing fits your body, big or small... As I mentioned, it seems some companies only intend to cover part of you... Meaning: if you want to be modest, you have to buy more and layer up... So here's the other thing: Many challenges face the society, to teach our young men and women to be morally responsible... Much criticism has targeted companies that are promoting "sexy" to a younger and younger market... And yet we don't want to teach them that "sexy" is BAD. It isn't!
But sexy needs to be approached correctly...

Does a small child, let's say a kindergardener, need to feel "sexy?"
NO!!! I mean, come on, look it up: 

  1. Sexually attractive or exciting.
  2. Sexually aroused.

Kindergardeners or ANYONE below the age of adulthood, outside the proper bounds of marriage should not have SEXY be the first thing they want to flaunt!

Image... It's all about image. Self perception. Who am I? Do I appear to others to be as awesome as the way I want them to see me?

What about how God see's you?

In case you didn't think he cared about the way you dress, well, he does :)
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? … The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Corinthians 3:16–17

From time to time someone tells me I "look nice," my husband calls me "beautiful,"  and it feels great, but I struggle to believe it whole heartedly... Sure, I can occasionally fix up my hair, feel like a certain outfit is more complimentary, and yet still feel like I have overwhelming flaws that other won't see past...

And the more we point out those flaws the more others will see us exactly as we see ourselves... So I won't be pointing out those things to you, but just so you know, if you have things about yourself that have caused you doubt: You are not alone.

Another blogger recently wrote about having their picture taken, how they saw themselves in the photos and didn't like it... But then as she examined how she saw others she realized... No one was looking at her the way she did. We can be our own worst judge. She realized she loved being able to look at those pictures of those she loved and cherished and the memories that filled her with joy, those were the things that others wanted her picture for, and who was she to deprive them?

Dove did something interesting:
Criminal Sketch Artist to Draw Women as They See Themselves and as Others See Them

Healthy and happy are usually two things that co exist... Happiness and health increase together...

Health benefits of smiling

"You're never fully dressed without a smile."

So the next time you are wondering what others think of your appearance, remember to smile! It'll take pounds off your body and bring radiance to your face! The people who love you will be glad to see you and the people who don't know you won't be looking for flaws.

2 Weeks Old

Cute newborn butterfly outfit just about outgrown...

J driving me crazy with his love of forts

Sweet P's mischievous grin

Big Brother lovin' on Baby Sister