
We'd been living in our new home for about 6 months and were driving to spend a day at the beach. We were in conversation and right after I missed the sign that told the lower speed limit I spotted the cop. I slowed but I didn't make an effort to stop yet in hopes he would miss me but he didn't. I told the officer of my reasoning and where we were headed. I had my Florida license but the car registration was from Utah. I knew that we had gone over the time that it should have been registered but had hoped (oops) that it would expire before I got pulled over and had to renew it. I didn't explain this to the officer though so after he went to his car and confirmed my ID he came back and said he was going to let me off easy but not in the way I expected. He was going to give me a speeding ticket but only for going 10 miles over instead of 20 and he wouldn't ticket me for the registration but warned me that I should do it right away. he also made it easier by informing me that if I went to traffic school the points wouldn't show up on my license.

I was grateful that he had been so straight forward and understanding. Somehow we found the whole interchange kind of funny and took it lightheartedly. Nate decided it deserved a photo.

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