New Years Day

Today was a good day.
I think we have started a new tradition. We invited as many people as we could to our house for games and snacks. We stocked up on a bunch of clearance christmas candy, chocolate chip cookies, some chips and salsa, root beer, grape juice and apple juice.

At the beginning it was a little slow, apparently people stayed up late the night before... (I wonder why?!) We had one person here, our sweet neighbor, Heather, at 1pm, with a bottle of Martinelle's, and while we could have started a game we were having a good time just talking, then around 2:30 the crowd showed up.

Ron and Analane from our ward showed up with a meat, cheese, and crackers tray, which was very sweet, since I hadn't asked any one to bring food! My Aunt Sue and Uncle John with cards for playing "Hand and Foot," and Nate's family, including his mom, and 4 of his siblings, who also brought a few games which we also didn't get to.

We managed to fit 9 people around the table for a good game of the Disney version "Apples-to-Apples" to warm things up (I won). After that we played a few rounds of Phase 10. It takes a while to get to the end of that game and unfortunately people needed to leave before a victor could be sorted out (I was losing anyway so I'm not very heartbroken).

The younger kids played a game of "Life" for a while and then Nate turned on the Nintendo 64: Smash Bros. game. The room became quite uproarious as the kids discovered the delight of kicking booty and hollering about injustice and vengeance.

It was a great beginning to the new year and I was too busy enjoying the company and the food to take pictures of all the people... But here is my fine work of art in the arch way between the dining and living areas: It took me an hour and 1/2 to inflate the balloons and tie/tape it up.

Oh yeah, my new years resolution: Love every minute.

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