
Do you do this?

...It is about this point, halfway through the pregnancy that I start to feel the count down and I start "nesting".... Running around to have everything I need/want in order before new baby arrives...

Today I began going through some of my craft boxes to actually use the materials for the purposes I purchased or other wise received them... I don't know if any of you do this either, but I am often around when other people are sorting and will gladly accept charity if there are ways I can think to use what they are getting rid of...

So, this is what I accomplished in between caring for and picking up after the kids and generally being pregnant:

I had purchased the small black magnets because we are always putting things on the fridge or the front door but by themselves the magnets are small and easily swallowed, or possible a choking hazard, depending on the age of the child. Around my house there are a few things I love to decorate with:
Orange, purple, horses and butterflies.

So I took out my hot-glue-gun and shot the magnets and attached these molded, dried, and painted play-dough butterflies and other horse shaped beads.

I didn't have enough butterflies and horses to use all the magnets today so I have about 13 more magnet creations to come up with...

It may seem sort of silly, I don't think of myself as an especially knowledgable person when it comes to technology, but I had fun guiding a friend in need through the process of using Google Docs to upload and edit a resume. One of the great things about Google Docs is that it's free. Also, it allows options to save in formats that some other programs don't offer. It is pretty basic in some ways, but I find it to be user friendly after a little exploration. If you are one of those people that likes free and likes something for a little more complex formatting I suggest OpenOffice. Also great.

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