In 2013 I had a baby girl named Destiny. She lived to be 38 days old. I learned that a lot can happen in 38 days. A person can fall in love so deeply and completely that when that love is taken they feel like they have died too. I learned that life is too short. Cliche, I know. I learned that we all have a destiny to fulfill. My daughter fulfilled hers. I realized I could no longer ignore my destiny. Or stand idly by while others ignored their destiny. So here I am, designing for destiny.
The little things...
Satan starts small...
Google and the President have displayed support of a public figure on Easter and it isn't Christ. Fine, no big deal right?
Legalized same-sex marriage... Fine. I mean, it's not like their choice is going to affect you personally.... Right?
People die everyday because of drunk drivers, even though driving under the influence is illegal. People die because of an overdose on illegal drugs.
People die because of addictions but same-sex marriage isn't going to kill anyone... Right?
Satan starts small...
He starts with...
A few miles over the speed limit, you aren't killing anyone right?
One angry feeling, it's okay to hold onto as long as you don't act on it...
One swear word, it's not like the tongue has any power to hurt.
One longing look at the good looking man or woman down the way, it isn't like you thought of having sex with them...
One drink of alcohol, it won't get you drunk and it never has to happen again...
One cigarette won't burn a hole in your lungs or hurt anyone else...
One movie scene, the actors are responsible for the sin, not you.
One make out session, it's not sex, it doesn't lead to sex, it's just a longer than usual kiss.
One night sharing someone's bed before marriage, it's not sex, it doesn't lead to sex, you're just too tired to drive home safely...
One omission of God from the pledge, from the money, from the law, from the education of our children, from the foundation of our nation...
Before anyone realizes how far too far is, too far has come and gone... Fined, imprisoned for speeding, hitting/killing someone because you couldn't stop the car a few seconds sooner, anger causes cancer, swearing and hateful words you can never take back from the person you will not see alive another day, that longing look was noticed and flirtation is exchanged, the alcohol in your blood is enough to place you at the scene of a murder crime someone else committed, that cigarette happened to be the one that could change your health overnight, that make out session brought on unexpected feelings and the other person was willing to go further from the beginning, too many nights in that welcoming bed become a habit of casual intercourse, suicide starts to sound like the only way to truly get out of this horrible world...
An omission of God means that everything that ever held value becomes worthless. Morality, family, the air you breathe.
Where does it stop? Where did it start?
Are you ready to be an example?
Start small. Don't let the devil get started.
If he has had a place in your life, kick him out. Invite the Savior to be your new soulmate.
God gave us his son. The least we can do is live our life for him in return.
Looking a Gift Horse In the Mouth
Having worked with horses I would just like to explain this for those who don't already know...
Assessing the health of a new horse can often include checking the mouth for various signs of age or illness. If the horse is a gift, most would consider it bad manners to check the mouth while the giver is present, because if you find problems, they may feel you take the gift for granted...
This can also be a slap in the face between horse owners because if the animal is in truly bad condition... Basicly, the first owner is pawning off the responsibility of repairing/disposing of the animal...
Someone once told my husband "Girl's really like gifts!"
Nate tried to explain that I had already told him early in our relationship, "I don't want STUFF", especially if it breaks easy, lasts 1 minute or doesn't have usefulness.
"She's just saying that..."this someone argued.
For my birthday, christmas, any opportunity that calls for a gift I usually specify clearly in advance what I want, usually something LONG LASTING and pretty much not just for myself... An ipod touch, because I can use it to school J, the next baby in our family, the movie or music we all want to watch or listen to repeatedly as a family, the product that comes with a lifetime warranty, if it ever even breaks in the first place... If you ask me what I need, I WILL TELL YOU.
I have a gift and a curse of being a pretty honest person... My husband will tell you, I can hardly keep anything from him and he has never heard me lie to anyone else.
Because of this I really have a hard time being a gracious receiver of gifts. When I show too much enthusiasm I'm concerned it will feed into more stuff being given and I don't want to offend others when I give something away again the next day or never use it... Even now I am struggling not to list the things that have been gifted that I am trying to figure out what to do with...
So it really frustrates me! I usually explain in advance that I have enough of certain things, that I only NEED specific items. I even posted on a picture on Facebook recently and someone had the nerve to argue that what I have is not adequate. That is a personal opinion that could have been kept to one's self. I'm trying really hard to be polite, but I have just about HAD IT!
HOW MUCH MORE SPECIFIC DO I NEED TO BE? It is offensive to me! Like you are calling me a liar, saying I haven't been honest about what I want and need. I'm telling you, don't waste your money! If you don't want to take my advice, don't be offended when I start handing the gift back to you, because you have officially been told! I'm done being polite, trying to be enthusiastic as you knowingly give me something I don't need, I will ask you to be responsible for finding another home for the item.
If I said I needed a horses, or even just had space for the creature, and someone gifted one to me, please understand, I would be excited and would not dare to look it in the mouth in the giver's presence. But if I didn't ask for it, and especially couldn't provide for it, I would ask the giver to please find a more deserving home for the animal.
Assessing the health of a new horse can often include checking the mouth for various signs of age or illness. If the horse is a gift, most would consider it bad manners to check the mouth while the giver is present, because if you find problems, they may feel you take the gift for granted...
This can also be a slap in the face between horse owners because if the animal is in truly bad condition... Basicly, the first owner is pawning off the responsibility of repairing/disposing of the animal...
Someone once told my husband "Girl's really like gifts!"
Nate tried to explain that I had already told him early in our relationship, "I don't want STUFF", especially if it breaks easy, lasts 1 minute or doesn't have usefulness.
"She's just saying that..."this someone argued.
For my birthday, christmas, any opportunity that calls for a gift I usually specify clearly in advance what I want, usually something LONG LASTING and pretty much not just for myself... An ipod touch, because I can use it to school J, the next baby in our family, the movie or music we all want to watch or listen to repeatedly as a family, the product that comes with a lifetime warranty, if it ever even breaks in the first place... If you ask me what I need, I WILL TELL YOU.
I have a gift and a curse of being a pretty honest person... My husband will tell you, I can hardly keep anything from him and he has never heard me lie to anyone else.
Because of this I really have a hard time being a gracious receiver of gifts. When I show too much enthusiasm I'm concerned it will feed into more stuff being given and I don't want to offend others when I give something away again the next day or never use it... Even now I am struggling not to list the things that have been gifted that I am trying to figure out what to do with...
So it really frustrates me! I usually explain in advance that I have enough of certain things, that I only NEED specific items. I even posted on a picture on Facebook recently and someone had the nerve to argue that what I have is not adequate. That is a personal opinion that could have been kept to one's self. I'm trying really hard to be polite, but I have just about HAD IT!
HOW MUCH MORE SPECIFIC DO I NEED TO BE? It is offensive to me! Like you are calling me a liar, saying I haven't been honest about what I want and need. I'm telling you, don't waste your money! If you don't want to take my advice, don't be offended when I start handing the gift back to you, because you have officially been told! I'm done being polite, trying to be enthusiastic as you knowingly give me something I don't need, I will ask you to be responsible for finding another home for the item.
If I said I needed a horses, or even just had space for the creature, and someone gifted one to me, please understand, I would be excited and would not dare to look it in the mouth in the giver's presence. But if I didn't ask for it, and especially couldn't provide for it, I would ask the giver to please find a more deserving home for the animal.
Health & Progress
The Lord has said that He has never given a law that was solely temporal (see D&C 29:34–35)
In October of 1984 Ezra Taft Benson in an article titled "Do Not Despair"-
"The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit.That’s why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom. He also said that we should retire to our beds early and arise early (see D&C 88:124), that we should not run faster than we have strength (see D&C 10:4), and that we should use moderation in all good things. In general, the more food we eat in its natural state and the less it is refined without additives, the healthier it will be for us. Food can affect the mind, and deficiencies in certain elements in the body can promote mental depression. A good physical examination periodically is a safeguard and may spot problems that can be remedied. Rest and physical exercise are essential, and a walk in the fresh air can refresh the spirit. Wholesome recreation is part of our religion, and a change of pace is necessary, and even its anticipation can lift the spirit."
*The parts in bold are what stood out to me most.
In October of 1984 Ezra Taft Benson in an article titled "Do Not Despair"-
"The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit.That’s why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom. He also said that we should retire to our beds early and arise early (see D&C 88:124), that we should not run faster than we have strength (see D&C 10:4), and that we should use moderation in all good things. In general, the more food we eat in its natural state and the less it is refined without additives, the healthier it will be for us. Food can affect the mind, and deficiencies in certain elements in the body can promote mental depression. A good physical examination periodically is a safeguard and may spot problems that can be remedied. Rest and physical exercise are essential, and a walk in the fresh air can refresh the spirit. Wholesome recreation is part of our religion, and a change of pace is necessary, and even its anticipation can lift the spirit."
*The parts in bold are what stood out to me most.
USDA organic
U.S. producers are turning to certified organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. Organic farming systems rely on ecologically based practices such as cultural and biological pest management, exclusion of all synthetic chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones in crop and livestock production.
Word of Wisdom
"The Word of Wisdom is a law of health revealed by the Lord for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children. On February 27, 1833, as recorded in section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord revealed which foods are good for us to eat and which substances are not good for the human body. He also promised health, protection, knowledge, and wisdom to those who obey the Word of Wisdom."
I AM NOT AN EXPERT. I know I am not nor do I pretend to be an expert. There are a LOT of resources regarding information of the various effects of different foods. I'm willing to say I may have been misinformed from time to time. It is very difficult to know which source to trust.
Regardless how you choose to verify your information, there is wisdom in doing your research!
For us especially, we started out thinking that only a few things would have to change here and there... Thinking that, ultimately, the cost would only vary slightly... This has switch to an exaggerated difference in how we view food value and cost.
With all the genetic modification, the bleaching or other processing methods, the way the food is packed, the pesticides that are on the produce and in the soil, the supposedly life threatening diseases and the vaccines and antibiotics used on animals, the fact that canola oil actually comes from rapeseed which can be toxic... Certain sources suspect that even though USDA organic labeling may be present, it may have been bought, and may not be accurate.
Is anything safe anymore? How do you know?
U.S. producers are turning to certified organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. Organic farming systems rely on ecologically based practices such as cultural and biological pest management, exclusion of all synthetic chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones in crop and livestock production.
Word of Wisdom
"The Word of Wisdom is a law of health revealed by the Lord for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children. On February 27, 1833, as recorded in section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord revealed which foods are good for us to eat and which substances are not good for the human body. He also promised health, protection, knowledge, and wisdom to those who obey the Word of Wisdom."
I AM NOT AN EXPERT. I know I am not nor do I pretend to be an expert. There are a LOT of resources regarding information of the various effects of different foods. I'm willing to say I may have been misinformed from time to time. It is very difficult to know which source to trust.
Regardless how you choose to verify your information, there is wisdom in doing your research!
For us especially, we started out thinking that only a few things would have to change here and there... Thinking that, ultimately, the cost would only vary slightly... This has switch to an exaggerated difference in how we view food value and cost.
With all the genetic modification, the bleaching or other processing methods, the way the food is packed, the pesticides that are on the produce and in the soil, the supposedly life threatening diseases and the vaccines and antibiotics used on animals, the fact that canola oil actually comes from rapeseed which can be toxic... Certain sources suspect that even though USDA organic labeling may be present, it may have been bought, and may not be accurate.
Is anything safe anymore? How do you know?
Changing your diet is hardly so simple as eliminating one or two things, in todays society it is almost a complete overhaul in lifestyle!
How you view your health: How important is your health to you really? Does your current health limit you from doing other things that you would like to do? Does being able to eat whatever you want immediately overcome your longterm desire for life?
I have told my husband in the past that I didn't care... I wanted to eat whatever satisfied me and that I would be happy with only living to 60 years of age. And then reality kicked my tush. My health was not where I really wanted it to be. Suffering headaches every morning, sugar induced hangovers, the lack of energy to go outside and play with my kids or pets, pain in my body if I tried to do physical labor... None of that was enjoyable enough to truly warrant the way I was eating and I knew it would only get worse. And then the foods we ate started to affect my children: Food allergies, bodily symptoms of illness, frequent colds and stomach bugs... This had to stop!
Others may not ever associate their diet with the ailments they are dealing with until they make a change. Am I completely healed? No, not yet. And it's mostly my own fault because I still give into the temptation of immediate satisfaction from time to time.
That alone, my own lack of discipline, makes it difficult for me to feel like I can try to tell anyone else that this is the right thing to do. And many people have the same attitude I used to: Would the government REALLY allow food companies to poison us? Would the food companies knowingly do things that could be harmful to the customers? What about all that research shown by those same companies saying that the food isn't harmful? Would they really lie to our faces about that?
My answer: What's to stop them? Even all the companies employees and government officials aren't educated about everything that is happening to our food and the food companies, who are making money off of addicting additives, aren't likely to bring it to the government's attention on purpose.
Are you willing to take the risk on your health and your future? Do you really just want to leave it in someone else's hands? Are you ready for others to think you are nuts? Is keeping up an appearance of sanity more important than maintaining your ability to live life to the fullest?
It is possible. Not easy, but possible.
Ways to save:
Walmart has a few select items that have the USDA organic label. Again, it's hard to know just how much we can trust that, but a little regulation is better than none, right? Those few items can be used for a lot of things so stock up at Wal-mart, because paying the price of organic in a specialty store will certainly add up...
Hunting and Fishing
Warning: Go with someone else experienced first and get a feel for this before you seek out your own equipment. In my own home I have personal reasons for not wanting to have guns around (I do not have anything against others who do). So shooting down an animal is something that I will probably never accomplish, but fishing is another matter for me. No, I still don't think I will waste time and money with the hook and line technique. Check this out! There are ways to trap fish and take it home, just by using things found in nature. Preparing the fish is something I have yet to figure out... Get educated and find what works for you.
Trapping fish
Butcher's Shop: If doing your own hunting or fishing is outside your comfort zone, or even just preparing the meat once it's been acquired... Check your local butcher's shop for special orders of processed deer or elk that someone else may not have been able to take off with. The butcher will sometime have an excess that is cheaper per pound that the grocery store meats and since it is wild game, there is no need to worry about whether the animal was genetically altered, vaccinated, or ate genetically altered foods. Timing is important in this method of saving: There are only certain hunting seasons where the butcher will get a lot of processing orders and you will have to compete with other people who are trying to be smart like you.
Local growers: sometimes you can find someone locally who will raise an animal or produce according to your liking. Shop around, because while this may be for your health and better than store bought goods, it can still be pricey.
Your own back yard...
I do NOT have a green thumb... In fact I would say my thumbs, fingers, whole hands are brown. I kill plants when I try to love them... Also, I lack patience. I have other places I prefer to spend time with my kids... Being in the dirt with bugs (especially spiders!) and weeds is not enjoyable to me...
Make sure you get at least some enjoyment out of it or else sticking with it will not happen...
AND if it works for you, GOD BLESS YOUR GARDEN!
Do it right! Research before you invest, have a good plan for getting the most out of whatever space you have and the climate you live in. Be sure about the correct amount and use of sun exposure, and moisture!
If watering is the most difficult thing for you to keep up with, figure out an automated hydration system! Recycled water will help save on your water bill. Be careful if you are gardening next to a building that the rain or other water running off the side of the building will not poison your food. you can still use that space for flowering plants that will attract good bugs like bees and aphids to your yard.
Do NOT buy seeds or dirt if you can help it! Get starters from fellow gardeners or:
Grow food from scraps
Fertilizing your soil is important, but that doesn't mean run to the store! Again, use the scraps from your table!
We have access to a small plot of dirt outside our condo and my only intention is to place a few fruitful bushes there that can live on the sprinkling system water supply and won't require my attention except to be pruned and harvested.
Look up! Thins don't only grown on ground level!
We have a balcony but the side that faces in the sun gets such little exposure that I doubt the value of trying to grow a potted bush, but I might try.
Potted potatoes
A smart person would use this space by hanging a veil of vegetation...
Garden Wall
Use your fences, and build more fences!
Windows are another places to try potted gardens. Adding a shelf or two in the light of the window will allow for more pots to be placed there, growing things that produce vertically (bean poles, tomato vines, etc) will increase the worth of your efforts.
Growing UP
Again, I lack to fortitude, but you might be better at it!
Yes, we still eat meat, though perhaps more sparingly! I really enjoy the flavor it adds and have not yet felt we could move to a vegetarian diet. Maybe you are braver than I am and don't crave the meat so much in the first place - Kudos to you! Balanced diet being important: if you go completely off meat, be sure to replace the nutrients provided. Do your research!
Here is one aspect where I get a little excited! Animals are so much more alive to me and therefore I can enjoy the interaction of caring for them and watching my labors pay off... However, there are limitations! The biggest limitation I face personally are the inner city limitations regarding "livestock." Even having single chicken in a cage can require a permit... And permission from my HOA, which I am still working on... So, check out the laws of your area before you invest, make sure you have adequate accommodations so that the city will not force you to give up your animals. Sometimes talking to your neighbors ahead of time will help you to prevent them from being upset and help them to feel like they can come to you first if they have concerns later on.
*IF* you have your own lettuce garden to feed them from, and you don't mind butchering on your own, it *might* be worth the time to raise meat rabbits. Maybe that's something you can do, I don't have the garden space to raise that much.
Otherwise, in the time it takes for a rabbit to reach maturity and bear new bunnies for you, it could eat more vegetables than you do! The cost per pound of meat you would acquire would be far more than cost of a grocery product!
Again, if you have your own property, enough to grow your own hay, a cow might be worth it. They can have dual purpose if you want cows milk and milk byproducts but I will warn you... Cow's milk is usually intended for a baby cow, with fats and hormones intended for an animal that is MEANT to grow over a ton. Humans are not MEANT to grow over a ton! BUT milk can still be good for someone in the family that might have a difficult time putting on and keeping on weight. That just isn't common for MOST Americans... If calcium is what you are worried about, research alternate calcium resources, because there ARE better ways to strengthen your bones.
Chickens, Ducks, Geese:
All these birds have dual purpose. They produce eggs and then can be butchered for a feast. The feathers can even be useful if you want to go that far and don't have allergy issues. Feeding and housing them are important though, as well as temperament and what you are willing to put up with: Do your research before you invest!
With any animal, there is an element of health concerns in how they are housed, if they can injure themselves, and if they are in contact with other animals that could pass along disease. Do your research! Be prepared to keep them safe and avoid vaccination/vet costs.
Our kids have been a big part in trying to change our diet in a way that they will eat the right foods without pitching major fits! My older boy with get tired of certain things faster and be really slow about eating if he isn't in love with what's on his plate.
While I know some will criticize me for this, I ABSOLUTELY HATE wasted food and picky eaters. I can understand not liking the taste, to the point of being unable to stomach it... That's not what I'm talking about when I say PICKY EATERS. I mean, my son will eat the rice and beans just fine until he discovers there is bread in the fridge and suddenly NOTHING matters but the bread...
My solution in this situation is: He doesn't get bread. He doesn't get served anything else, until he finishes the rice and beans he started. If we have to, he may stop only half way through his plate, at which point, we stick it in the fridge and the next time he is hungry, that's all we offer. The next meal starts wherever the last one left off...
With my younger child this is harder but the rule is still the same. We don't make an exception just because of age. If they truly are hungry, they will eat what we are serving.
That being said, we still try to be accommodating.
The boys were having a hard time with the texture when we switch from canned green beans, which were softer, to frozen and then steamed green beans, that were a bit more crunchy. To make sure they were getting their veggies we began running the frozen vegetable through a processor that chopped them into tiny bits. Mixed in with the various rice, potatoe or pasta dishes, the boys hardly notice they are eating mostly veg.
GET CREATIVE. Someone smart once said something like "Desperation is the mother of all invention."
At this point, I think recipes deserves a whole separate post, I will try to remember to post a link here when I have that update... There are a LOT online but I will post what we have had most success with and ways to replace ingredients if a recipe calls for something that isn't in our diet...
It may take a lifetime to see all the results of our efforts. Immediately though, I would like to tell you that we have noticed, we are not getting sick anywhere near as often and even what little bit of congestion or other discomfort shows up is hardly enough to knock us off our feet. The exception being that while I am pregnant, circumstances are worse and hard to discern what is a result of diet, versus being pregnant.
Changing your diet is hardly so simple as eliminating one or two things, in todays society it is almost a complete overhaul in lifestyle!
How you view your health: How important is your health to you really? Does your current health limit you from doing other things that you would like to do? Does being able to eat whatever you want immediately overcome your longterm desire for life?
I have told my husband in the past that I didn't care... I wanted to eat whatever satisfied me and that I would be happy with only living to 60 years of age. And then reality kicked my tush. My health was not where I really wanted it to be. Suffering headaches every morning, sugar induced hangovers, the lack of energy to go outside and play with my kids or pets, pain in my body if I tried to do physical labor... None of that was enjoyable enough to truly warrant the way I was eating and I knew it would only get worse. And then the foods we ate started to affect my children: Food allergies, bodily symptoms of illness, frequent colds and stomach bugs... This had to stop!
Others may not ever associate their diet with the ailments they are dealing with until they make a change. Am I completely healed? No, not yet. And it's mostly my own fault because I still give into the temptation of immediate satisfaction from time to time.
That alone, my own lack of discipline, makes it difficult for me to feel like I can try to tell anyone else that this is the right thing to do. And many people have the same attitude I used to: Would the government REALLY allow food companies to poison us? Would the food companies knowingly do things that could be harmful to the customers? What about all that research shown by those same companies saying that the food isn't harmful? Would they really lie to our faces about that?
My answer: What's to stop them? Even all the companies employees and government officials aren't educated about everything that is happening to our food and the food companies, who are making money off of addicting additives, aren't likely to bring it to the government's attention on purpose.
Are you willing to take the risk on your health and your future? Do you really just want to leave it in someone else's hands? Are you ready for others to think you are nuts? Is keeping up an appearance of sanity more important than maintaining your ability to live life to the fullest?
It is possible. Not easy, but possible.
Ways to save:
Walmart has a few select items that have the USDA organic label. Again, it's hard to know just how much we can trust that, but a little regulation is better than none, right? Those few items can be used for a lot of things so stock up at Wal-mart, because paying the price of organic in a specialty store will certainly add up...
Hunting and Fishing
Warning: Go with someone else experienced first and get a feel for this before you seek out your own equipment. In my own home I have personal reasons for not wanting to have guns around (I do not have anything against others who do). So shooting down an animal is something that I will probably never accomplish, but fishing is another matter for me. No, I still don't think I will waste time and money with the hook and line technique. Check this out! There are ways to trap fish and take it home, just by using things found in nature. Preparing the fish is something I have yet to figure out... Get educated and find what works for you.
Trapping fish
Butcher's Shop: If doing your own hunting or fishing is outside your comfort zone, or even just preparing the meat once it's been acquired... Check your local butcher's shop for special orders of processed deer or elk that someone else may not have been able to take off with. The butcher will sometime have an excess that is cheaper per pound that the grocery store meats and since it is wild game, there is no need to worry about whether the animal was genetically altered, vaccinated, or ate genetically altered foods. Timing is important in this method of saving: There are only certain hunting seasons where the butcher will get a lot of processing orders and you will have to compete with other people who are trying to be smart like you.
Local growers: sometimes you can find someone locally who will raise an animal or produce according to your liking. Shop around, because while this may be for your health and better than store bought goods, it can still be pricey.
Your own back yard...
I do NOT have a green thumb... In fact I would say my thumbs, fingers, whole hands are brown. I kill plants when I try to love them... Also, I lack patience. I have other places I prefer to spend time with my kids... Being in the dirt with bugs (especially spiders!) and weeds is not enjoyable to me...
Make sure you get at least some enjoyment out of it or else sticking with it will not happen...
AND if it works for you, GOD BLESS YOUR GARDEN!
Do it right! Research before you invest, have a good plan for getting the most out of whatever space you have and the climate you live in. Be sure about the correct amount and use of sun exposure, and moisture!
If watering is the most difficult thing for you to keep up with, figure out an automated hydration system! Recycled water will help save on your water bill. Be careful if you are gardening next to a building that the rain or other water running off the side of the building will not poison your food. you can still use that space for flowering plants that will attract good bugs like bees and aphids to your yard.
Do NOT buy seeds or dirt if you can help it! Get starters from fellow gardeners or:
Grow food from scraps
Fertilizing your soil is important, but that doesn't mean run to the store! Again, use the scraps from your table!
We have access to a small plot of dirt outside our condo and my only intention is to place a few fruitful bushes there that can live on the sprinkling system water supply and won't require my attention except to be pruned and harvested.
Look up! Thins don't only grown on ground level!
We have a balcony but the side that faces in the sun gets such little exposure that I doubt the value of trying to grow a potted bush, but I might try.
Potted potatoes
A smart person would use this space by hanging a veil of vegetation...
Garden Wall
Use your fences, and build more fences!
Windows are another places to try potted gardens. Adding a shelf or two in the light of the window will allow for more pots to be placed there, growing things that produce vertically (bean poles, tomato vines, etc) will increase the worth of your efforts.
Growing UP
Again, I lack to fortitude, but you might be better at it!
Yes, we still eat meat, though perhaps more sparingly! I really enjoy the flavor it adds and have not yet felt we could move to a vegetarian diet. Maybe you are braver than I am and don't crave the meat so much in the first place - Kudos to you! Balanced diet being important: if you go completely off meat, be sure to replace the nutrients provided. Do your research!
Here is one aspect where I get a little excited! Animals are so much more alive to me and therefore I can enjoy the interaction of caring for them and watching my labors pay off... However, there are limitations! The biggest limitation I face personally are the inner city limitations regarding "livestock." Even having single chicken in a cage can require a permit... And permission from my HOA, which I am still working on... So, check out the laws of your area before you invest, make sure you have adequate accommodations so that the city will not force you to give up your animals. Sometimes talking to your neighbors ahead of time will help you to prevent them from being upset and help them to feel like they can come to you first if they have concerns later on.
*IF* you have your own lettuce garden to feed them from, and you don't mind butchering on your own, it *might* be worth the time to raise meat rabbits. Maybe that's something you can do, I don't have the garden space to raise that much.
Otherwise, in the time it takes for a rabbit to reach maturity and bear new bunnies for you, it could eat more vegetables than you do! The cost per pound of meat you would acquire would be far more than cost of a grocery product!
Again, if you have your own property, enough to grow your own hay, a cow might be worth it. They can have dual purpose if you want cows milk and milk byproducts but I will warn you... Cow's milk is usually intended for a baby cow, with fats and hormones intended for an animal that is MEANT to grow over a ton. Humans are not MEANT to grow over a ton! BUT milk can still be good for someone in the family that might have a difficult time putting on and keeping on weight. That just isn't common for MOST Americans... If calcium is what you are worried about, research alternate calcium resources, because there ARE better ways to strengthen your bones.
Chickens, Ducks, Geese:
All these birds have dual purpose. They produce eggs and then can be butchered for a feast. The feathers can even be useful if you want to go that far and don't have allergy issues. Feeding and housing them are important though, as well as temperament and what you are willing to put up with: Do your research before you invest!
With any animal, there is an element of health concerns in how they are housed, if they can injure themselves, and if they are in contact with other animals that could pass along disease. Do your research! Be prepared to keep them safe and avoid vaccination/vet costs.
Our kids have been a big part in trying to change our diet in a way that they will eat the right foods without pitching major fits! My older boy with get tired of certain things faster and be really slow about eating if he isn't in love with what's on his plate.
While I know some will criticize me for this, I ABSOLUTELY HATE wasted food and picky eaters. I can understand not liking the taste, to the point of being unable to stomach it... That's not what I'm talking about when I say PICKY EATERS. I mean, my son will eat the rice and beans just fine until he discovers there is bread in the fridge and suddenly NOTHING matters but the bread...
My solution in this situation is: He doesn't get bread. He doesn't get served anything else, until he finishes the rice and beans he started. If we have to, he may stop only half way through his plate, at which point, we stick it in the fridge and the next time he is hungry, that's all we offer. The next meal starts wherever the last one left off...
With my younger child this is harder but the rule is still the same. We don't make an exception just because of age. If they truly are hungry, they will eat what we are serving.
That being said, we still try to be accommodating.
The boys were having a hard time with the texture when we switch from canned green beans, which were softer, to frozen and then steamed green beans, that were a bit more crunchy. To make sure they were getting their veggies we began running the frozen vegetable through a processor that chopped them into tiny bits. Mixed in with the various rice, potatoe or pasta dishes, the boys hardly notice they are eating mostly veg.
GET CREATIVE. Someone smart once said something like "Desperation is the mother of all invention."
At this point, I think recipes deserves a whole separate post, I will try to remember to post a link here when I have that update... There are a LOT online but I will post what we have had most success with and ways to replace ingredients if a recipe calls for something that isn't in our diet...
It may take a lifetime to see all the results of our efforts. Immediately though, I would like to tell you that we have noticed, we are not getting sick anywhere near as often and even what little bit of congestion or other discomfort shows up is hardly enough to knock us off our feet. The exception being that while I am pregnant, circumstances are worse and hard to discern what is a result of diet, versus being pregnant.
Recently as I have struggled through my own personal hell (I don't use that term lightly, the burning in my stomach seems not unlike the eternal burning that awaits the devil's angels.) I have been consumed with thoughts of gratitude for all the people who have reached out to help me and my family.
There are angels among us. I'm sure you've heard that before, but I'd just like to point out a few I have identified lately.
Most especially my husband who has sacrificed so much time and energy... He is willing to go through this trial because of his love for me and our children. He has taken over responsibilities, like a single parent with a spouse who watches from the couch. He has pushed through his depression, done the cooking, the shopping, some cleaning, some changing diapers, some feeding the kids, and goes to work to bring home the cash that barely survives one month. And he stays.
My mother, upon hearing about the struggles we were facing with my son showing autistic tendencies, spend almost half of her tax return on audio cds developed by NASA engineers. It's a bit more complex, but basically, they play sound frequencies that create connections in the brain. We have been playing these in the boys room as they sleep and we have seen some good progress in both of the boys.
My mother in-law, upon hearing about the struggles we were facing with my son showing autistic tendencies, offered to help with any educational tools that we might come across that we felt would really help and get used. Jonathan LOVES the V-TECK e-reader we purchase a year ago and the new cartridges are exciting to him. He will spend hours following along with the stories or playing the games.
My visiting teachers... Because we don't own a car and while pregnant I cannot walk very far with out excruciating pain and fainting, they have given me rides to doctor's appointment or provided emergency transportation to the store for medicine.
Nate's single high-school buddy, who will take Nate to get groceries, will come over and keep Nate company and help with the cooking that I can't do right now. This is SO meaningful to Nate and says so much about this guy, who could just say there are other, more fun, things to do with his time...
Extended family members who unexpectedly stepped in to help us pay some bills in order to avoid a bankruptcy we had been perfectly willing to face on our own.
Our hearts are overwhelmed at the love and grace of these people and others. We LONG to return or pass on such kindness to the many around us who struggle, we have new compassion.
Thank you! For your love, support, listening, and most especially for your prayers. You are amazing and we pray the Lord will bless you for all that you are, and one day that we might return the favor that has been shown to us.
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