Language Skills

Through out my youth I remember fun things to do with words:

Beaking Spackwards, switching the first syllable of two words, Cilk and Mookies, Mat and Couse, Deck and Schronkey...

Pig-latin, I've found there are variations, but the way I learn was moving the first syllable to the end of the word and adding an A... or for a one letter word, just say the word with and A.. Ia ovela ouya. (I love you)

Those are examples of purposefully saying things in a silly way. I don't really remember saying a lot of things in funny way unintentionally but here are a few...

I used to call burgers "boogers"
Spaghetti, "Sketti"
And I almost always confused POTATOES with TOMATOES

My husband recalls that he really love Zippy-de-doo-da as a kids and therefore called all movies "DeeDahs"

Recently we have discovered a few of the words that Jonathan says in a strange way.

POXIPULLS (popsicles)

If I have him say 'pop' & 'sickle' separately, he can do it, but not when we say it together...

BIGGERS (Burgers)

PAINGUT butter (peanut butter)

He likes to call his aunt Katies, "Kitty" and her cat Missy, "Messy"

What are some funny things your kids say, or that you said as a kid?

Thanks Giving

Our first Thanksgiving in our new home was not anything to boast about. No fancy meal, no company. We did enjoy our tradition of decorating for Christmas :)


The Lord worked another miracle for our family today. Unless my pregnancy could be flagged as high risk, the insurance was going to required a fat co-payment we could NOT afford. My doctor said I qualified to be flagged because this will be my third c-section. I'm singing His praises in my heart right now!

New Stroller

 My mom came down to visit and we used her car to go get a special new stroller that we will really need when the new baby arrives. A triple jogger! New, they go online from $450-$550. We got ours for $175!

Waking up on the wrong side.

I came out of my bedroom after a nice nap. Jonathan had been spending time with Grams, who doesn't know all the rules of our house. He'd been right in the middle of getting away with a no-no when I came out and started giving him consequences... He turned to Grams and very calmly said "Mom needs to go back to bed."

A quiet Wednesday evening

It started out as a quiet Wednesday evening... SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE CAME THE SPIDER! It came acrosss the floor, I yelled at J to get on the couch. It went for the kitchen, I beat it there. It stopped, poised to escape, I got the repellent out of the cabinet. In that split second, it disappeared. I searched where I had seen it last, sprayed repellent just in case, turned around and THERE IT WAS CRAWLING TOWARD ME!!! It's dead now.