4 Years Old!

The invitations didn't quite turn out so well because of the nature of our printer (It really doesn't like to cooperate for me the way it does for Nate.) But I felt they were very fun and creative.

It Read:
You're Invited!
WARNING: Top Secret.
Mission: Cassani Birthday Party
Agents to engage in undercover operation.
Please rendezvous July 21st, at 1200 hrs. 
Location: Our Address
Agents 3-4 yrs of age should be prepared
 for water combat, ingesting carbohydrates,
 and other dangers.

Irony. We all live close to the train but the kids must all band together when it comes by and make a fuss...
J and his party friends practically climbing out the living room window.

Water balloons are SO fun for J. 
The girls had a more difficult time getting into it but they did.

After a great water balloon fight we cut into the wheat free/rice free chocolate cake
with my very own icing artwork of Lightning McQueen.

Dad caught a nice one of J picking his nose while he waited patiently for cake.

Sweet P awaits some cake
J gets a bubble blower for his Birthday