After a full year of search, and a month of living in it, we finally have a house!!! Again...
Granted we still also have a house in Florida, we won't be getting to use it anytime soon...
We are absolutely in love with our new place!
#1. Location! Location! Location!
We are just between Provo Center Street and the Towne Centre Mall. There are all the neat shops, all the free events right down our street and when the Provo Temple is finished, we live 7 blocks from there! Church is two blocks away and Nate's work is also 7 Blocks.
#'s 2. Transportation 3. Savings & 4. Fitness
2.There's a bus stop right on our sidewalk and there's a train outside our front door with a stop around the corner that will take us to Salt Lake or just about anywhere in the nation, thanks to Utah Transit Authority and Amtrac. And we cannot forget to mention how much Jonathan LOVES the trains going by. It's like he and God has this worked out before! Who needs a car? Which is why we have sold ours!
3.Thank goodness, no more car insurance, maintenance or worrying about ridiculous gas prices! Not to leave out...
4. Now we get all kinds of great exercise walking to and fro or riding our bikes about town! With the two kiddos we are quite a site and we have been saved by angels a few times when the weather caught us unawares, but we are learning our lesson and leaving home more prepared.
#5. Simple. This new life style has also helped us in amazing ways, to recognize who our friends are, to enjoy the simple things! Without our car we have been more apt to invite people to come to our home and enjoy games, movies and food, rather than feeling like we need to go out and spend money on activities that weren't really in our budget anyway. And the people who truly enjoy these simple activities have proven to be truer friends!
#6. Cost. When we were renting we were paying $800 for two bedrooms and smaller living areas! Now we are only paying... DRUM ROLE PLEASE!
$600 (taxes and insurance escrow included!) for 3 BEDROOMS to grow into, a GREAT KITCHEN, enough SPACE FOR 6 people at our table, and a living room with FOOTAGE FOR AN OFFICE setup!

That's a difference of $200 PER BEDROOM! MONEY SAVED!
#7. Condo. Our payment includes the cost of the HOA so we don't have to worry about maintaining the yard, the exterior walls/roof or the parking areas. And we still have a small gardening area! Small's all we need, for the not so avid gardeners we've turned out to be...

Oh, the list goes on but for fear of making everyone completely jealous... I'll keep going!
#8. My beautiful family lives here with me! In these living area walls, complete with chair rails, crown molding and arched walkways, painted what I would call a boring brown, but Nate seems to like it and we haven't saved up to change it yet. There's a berry blue boy's room, set with planes, trains and cars galour! And perhaps very soon... a girl's room? But for now, a pretty pink guest room, complete with private bath and two closets. Then, there's the parents room, bursting with autumn colours of deep purples and bold oranges. So many memories to be made in so little time. How very happy we SHALL be!
Thanks for counting a few of my blessings with me!