Inner Beauty

What my husband wrote about me...

Inner Beauty
by: Nathaniel A. Cassani

I have a special someone whose beauty I treasure most. Her beauty is not in
her hair, the cloths she wares, or any skill she may posses. It's something
invisible, hidden from the shamming eye or those who would not understand what
is there. But it?s real. Vibrant like a rose and scented with her gentle
kindness. It permeates from her core in songs of joy wherever she may go. But
even this does not fully articulate the beauty that I see.

When I'm with her life takes on a new meaning. One more fully ripened in
love and joy. Setting suns double in their richness before my eyes. Their colors and
tones making soft displays of what was one a hard brash world. A soft breeze
takes on a sense of meekness and tranquilly. All fear of a storm erased, and
excitement in the possibility of rain reveled in. Quiet days reading together
are more exciting then action thrillers in a movie theater; and more powerfully
played upon my mind then the greatest of love songs. Hours melt by in seconds
and the day never seems to be enough. Forever she keeps me yearning for more.
It is true ever rainbow seems brighter when I?m with her.

  Beauty becomes a way of being, for we see all things together anew. Simple I
Love You?s, smiles, and the warmth of a hand, are more satisfying. Darkness
fades from my eyes  and my thoughts like melting snow. I can just stand there
alone at times and reach........  and the warmth of her love envelops me.  In
every moment she strives for honest, for truth, and for integrity. When in pain
she weeps, and tells me. And when in joy she leaps into my arms smiling.

  Beauty takes on a new forum and a new definition when I?m with her. Love, is
beauty, and somehow just sitting together in a crowded room can become a
pristine moment. Our Love, the beauty that it is, just keeps rolling on.
Through every tear we cry, every word we share, or every scrapped knee or
stupid thing we do. Everything  around us radiates, permeates in peace. Time
steps aside, and we keep finding new things to say in every hour.

  Through all the beauty that I see in her, is radiated also in me. Shimmering
like stars we elevate one another to a new place to stay. We love who we are
when were around each other. We accept the world where it stands. All things
are better for it. This is the beauty that resides in her, in me, and in every
moment when we see each other in one another's eyes. Here is my sacred
sanctuary of beauty. A place I often come to stay, and one I hope I will never